Welcome to Meta-Utopia Official informational and resource page.
This is where it gets exciting.
The idea of building a perfect island, a utopia, would be difficult to imagine if it was not for MetaFI.
MetaFI is short for Metaverse-Finance, which describes the integration of finance in the Metaverse. When blockchain gave birth to cryptocurrency, it was a sign that it was possible to fractionalize and financialize in the Metaverse. To realize the idea of Meta-Utopia, we must understand the possibility of how MetaFI can connect the island, the cities, and its citizens. A free society must be driven by a free economy; a creator and contributor system that rewards fairly. The topics in this Gitbook are keys to building this system.
EVERYONE wants to be part of the Metaverse in the future. Blockchain provides the trust and the transparency that is needed. With the introduction of Web 3.0, the Semantic Web, and real life infrastructures, the technology now exists to make the connectivity possible. The potential of the Power of Community will be applied in a decentralized manner. Governance will be conducted through a DAO, or Distributed Autonomous Organization, and its economy would run on DeFI Protocols. With these rules in place, we can now discuss how we can create a system and build a Utopia in the Metaverse.
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