About Meta Utopia
The Decentralized Metaverse
Welcome to the Decentralized Metaverse
Meta + Universe = Metaverse (your own universe or an alternate universe). This is an interactive virtual environment that allows you to take control of your digital identity, digital life and digital assets while simultaneously profiting from it. The next step into the future is building upon the Metaverse. There is no limit to what can be built.
The Origins of Meta-Utopia
Welcome to Meta-Utopia
This is a decentralized project governed by the DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) and the community. Our goal is to build a utopia in the number one Metaverse platform: The SANDBOX. The Sandbox is the portal that will enable the creation of businesses and value in the digital world of the Metaverse. Meta-Utopia consists of its capital, Amaurot, which can be found in The SANDBOX Gamemaker and is encircled by 54 other cities which are going to be built by the Protophylarchs, or city owners, of Meta-Utopia.
The target of the Meta-Utopia is to realize a sustainable virtual ecosystem and create a thriving environment for all its citizens.
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